
The Trust was formed in 1986 by a small group of local people dedicated to preserving the canal and encouraging future regeneration of its corridor. From small beginnings the Trust now has over 250 members. It is entirely run by volunteers and has never employed paid staff. The Trust gained charitable status in 1998. It has a modest turnover of less than £5000 per annum.

music decking

Music on the warehouse decking


Canoes and paddleboards on the canal

model boats

Grimsby and Cleethorpes model boat club



Talks are available in the warehouse or at your club/school or a walking talk Riverhead Trail


LNT Walks

One of many  popular walks organised by the Navigation Trust


Restoration Work

Repairs being carried out at Ticklepenny

clean up

Work Days

Work days are on the 2nd Monday of       the month.Volunteers welcome.             

Membership and Donations

Please give us your support: The greater our membership the more chance we have of success.  Or why not volunteer with us, there are many different tasks you could help us with.   
You can read and download an application form


Privacy Policy read here